What You May Not Know About Diabetes

 Yogurt is an excellent way for a diabetic to convince their mouth that low-fat, sugar-free food IS enjoyable. Have a cup of non-fat yogurt mixed with seasonable fruit for breakfast with a high-fiber muffin and a glass of milk so that you'll have enough energy to last you right through until lunch.

Diabetics need to avoid ketchup like the plague. I know it's tasty, I love it to death, but it's so full of sugar both from the tomatoes and the high glucofort reviews fructose corn syrup that it's more of a curse than a pleasure. I like to replace it with yellow mustard as it has little to no sugar added.

When looking for a substitute for something sweet, make it yourself! For example, if you don't want to eat sugary store bought relish since it will spike your blood sugar and set your diabetes off, then make your own by chopping up dill pickles. Need a replacement for ketchup? Try mixing pureed tomatoes and honey.

Be careful with the medicines you choose when you have a cold, many are laden with sugar which can affect your blood sugar levels. Make sure you take this into account if you're keeping track of what you eat to maintain even blood sugar levels, or if your blood sugar mysteriously spikes.

Restaurants tend to serve you HUGE portions, so be prepared before they even bring your meal! Bring your own reusable container, or ask the waiter for a doggy bag up front, and then put away the parts of your meal which are going to be too much for you. Getting rid of it before you eat will curb your temptation to finish it all.

A great way to manage diabetes naturally, without having to rely on medications is to get plenty of exercise. By exercising regularly, you will burn calories, which will result in a healthy weight. Exercising will also help your body respond to insulin, which is key to controlling diabetes. Exercise also helps improve your body's circulation, which is another issue that diabetics usually face. Overall, exercise is an important factor in controlling diabetes.


As you can see, it is possible to live a happy life even if you have diabetes. Living with diabetes is all what you make it, and you can make the best out of it. By following our tips you will learn how to lead a happy life, thus making the best of your health limitations.


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